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Thursday, 11 June 2015

First, stepping into my own

This morning I write to all my friends that have been such a wonderful support in the last few years as I have unraveled a twenty-five year marriage into a five year recovery through my divorce.  New life and new beginnings are not always easy to transition however with a powerful family and supportive extended community a beautiful path can be navigated.

Life can and will offer many opportunities to the navigator in this case me.  As you know we endure the swells of emotions called life we become much more whole and present that we understand ourselves to be at the beginning.

Each day offers a new experience and for me this new day is the choice in committing to grow as a business woman with new technologies in the beauty industry. The technology provides a platform to become a more beautiful, radiant being with flawless skin and a skilled entrepreneur as I support all others in my community to become the same.

These first steps seem daunting to say the least.  I started using the product known to be this new technology on the 28th of May. It had been my intention to take pictures of the before and after but I was too excited about trying the product to actually remember to take the pictures. I have been applying it nightly since. You get to be the judge of my results which is also exciting. Remember this is a shared experience.  I found something new and unavailable to main stream consumers and like always I share what becomes available to me to assist others in reaching their goals be it beauty, health or wealth. This is the whole package.

This discovery is going to help only my best friends and associates I know that because it is personal. The entire experience will be of a group of people called family supporting each other every step of the way. As I take this journey and you decide you would like to be apart of the experience I would like you to contact me. Ask me for more information, ask me to help you change your world using the very same methods that are teachable and liveable as I take on my road to " Pink Diamond,"and beyond.

My confidence continues to grow daily though as my community provides helpful incentives along the way. Having more radiant skin is definitely helping too!!

Want to know more find me on Cynthia Vickers facebook.
Have a look here..
 I will continue to share my experiences with you through this site.

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