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Monday, 22 June 2015

Doing Business

Today started off quickly.  Made a quick run to town and started a new business with a friend.  As stated in the previous blog only friends may join this elite group.  It is because we work closely together to the greater benefit of all.  That is the moto for this group!
While some people may have a stale view of what MLM means please allow me to provide insight into our take on this business model. Multi level marketing  is working from the top down to gain the greatest results.
My friend has decided to work with me so this means I will do everything I can to move her in the direction of accomplishment she desires.  As she grows, so too do I.
This isn't just the business though this is the product benefits as well.  She is looking great and getting the results shown by other users, the whole reason for her choice to join our elite group of skin care consultants.
As mentioned in the first blog on this journey, the product is a new medical technology to improve skin appearance.
It can improve the appearance of aging, blemishes and darkened skin patches. Trial is best when ever possible and working with someone you know and trust even better.

For followers of this blog I said I would write daily... lol life happened and I was out of commission for over a week.  It was all because of a sneeze.  Who knew you could hurt stomach muscles that much by sneezing. Anyway, back on track and new business flowing to me now.

If reading this and you would very much like to know more about the product being used in this article you may reach me here

Thank you very much for taking the time to follow or re-post  when you like the articles.

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